Saturday, August 3, 2013

The people you can call family!

When you grow up and play or hang out with your family you never realize how wild and crazy your future will be or where it will take you. The Heacock Clan is by far the most bonded group of cousins you could imagine. We are strange, unique, weird, loving, fun, energetic, but we love our family. This blog is to document our cousins bond and life experience so those of you that wish can follow us and our daily adventures or for our future family members that can look back and realize what kind of eccentric family they are entering by choice or fate. We felt there was a need to document our daily humorous experience and some of our conversations that make us laugh at times so hard we might accidentally have wet our pants. This blog is a family blog so there will be updates from numerous family members. I want to tell you who we are. Pretty much we have every aspect of the occupation spectrum covered. Within this group we have a farmer want to be vocal artist (lip singer, performer) , Engineer, Stay at home mom, Artist, fortune 500 cubical professional, Teacher, Student, mother, father, friend, care giver, and seamstress and cook. Our parents, are business owners, A Beer man, managers, nurses, rancher and business professionals. Here is a break down!

Cousins-Jonathan (31), Terra (me)(28), Hattie (25) and Blake (24) (for this blog update purposes, there are more of us, Wesley, Ben, Jack, Kathryn, David Bruce).

Jonathan-Father of son Logan and married to Meryl. Jonathan is an Engineer and Meryl is a stay at home mom but also a radiologist.  Graduate of St. Edwards University and enrolled in a MBA program at the University of Texas at Austin. They live in Austin Texas close to a majority of our family. Jonathan has a brother named David Bruce who is also our cousin and you will hear mentioned in our blog. Their dad is David the oldest of the Jack Heacock children.

Meryl and Logan at the Austin Rodeo
Jonathan and Logan

Terra-Mother to Sloane and married to Tyler. Both Terra and Tyler are graduates of Texas A&M University in College Station. Terra is a high school teacher and Tyler is a new Farmer. They live in Plainview Texas, at the other end of Texas from our family. Terra has a sister, Blake and their dad is Bill the youngest boy of the Jack Heacock children.

Blake, Terra & Sloane at their house in Amarillo
Tyler, Terra & Sloane on their First Tractor Ride as a Family on the New Farm in Plainview Texas.

Hattie-Recent graduate from University of North Texas in Denton Texas and Graduate student at the Art Institute in Philadelphia. Moving as we speak. She is an artist and amazing at that. She has a serious boyfriend and possibly very close addition to the Heacock Clan. Hattie has 2 brothers that are both younger, Ben (21), Jack (19). Hattie's mom Shari is the oldest female of the Jack Heacock children.

Blake-Fortune 500 company cubical professional, graduate of Texas A&M University in College Station and resides in Marble Falls, Texas. Blake likes shoes, hunting, fishing, dancing and Fighting Texas Aggie Football. Blake is Terra's little sister and aunt to Sloane.

                                                  Our crazy family, the Heacock Clan!
From left to right: Tyler, Terra, Sloane, Shannon, Robert, David Bruce, El, Jack (PawPaw), Ben, Hattie, Donna, Blake, Jonathan, Meryl, ?, ?, Bill, Wilson, Jack, Wesley, Hope, ?, ?, Kathryn, Dorothy (Dottie), Monty, Derry, Bart, Shari.

Family tree:
Jack & Eleanor Heacock
Dorothy Butler

Jack and Dorothy had 4 children:
David, Shari, Bill and Derryan

David Heacock and Jan Woolsey had 2 children:
David Bruce and Jonathan Heacock

Shari & Bart Sloane had 3 children:
Hattie, Ben, Jack

Bill & Donna Heacock had 2 children:
Terra & Blake

Derryan & Monty Magill had 3 children:
Wesley, Audrey and Kathryn

Be prepared for a wild ride, laughter, crudeness, and interesting yet mind-blowing documentation of our family!


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